Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

SAMSON AGONISTES In ev'ry flreet ? do they not fay, Flow well Are come upon him his defects ? Yet why ? 20 Immeafurable ftrength they might behold In me, of wifdom nothing more than mean ; This with the other fhould, at leaft, have pair'd, There two proportion'd ill drove nle tranfverfe. Cho. Tax not divine difpofal ; wileit men 210 Have err'd, and by bad women been deceived ; And (hall again, pretend they ne'er fo wife. Deject not then fo overmuch thyfelf, Who hall of farrow thy full load befides ; Yet truth to fay, 1 aft have heard men wonder 215 Why thou thouldfl wed Philiftian women rather Than of thy own tribe fairer, or as fair, At leaft of thy own nation, and as noble. Sam. The &II I taw at Timna, and the pleas'd Me, not my parents, that I fought to wed 220 The daughter of an infidel : they knew not That what I motion'd was of God ; I knew From intimate impulfe, and therefore urg'd The marriage on ; that by occafion hence I might begin Ifrael's deliverance, 225 The work to which I was divinely call'd. She proving fall; the next I took to wife (0 that I never had ! fond with too late,) Was in the vale of Sorec, Dalila, That fpecious monller, my accomplifh'd fnare. 230 I thought it lawful from my former aat, And the fame end ; 11111 watching to opprefs Ifrael's oppreffors : of what now I fuffer She was not the prime caufe, but I myfelf, Who vanquith'd with a peal of words (0 weaknefs I) Gave up my fort of silence to a woman. 236 Cho. In feeking just occafion to provoke The Philiftine, thy country's enemy, 559 Thou