Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

:560 SAMSON AGONISTES,; Thou never waft remits, I bear thee witnefs : Yet Ifrael Rill ferves with all his Eons. 240 Sam. That fault I take not on me, but transfer On Ifrael's governors, and heads of tribes, Who Peeing thofe great ads, which God had done Singly by me againft their conquerors, Acknowledg'd not, or not at all confider'd 245 Deliverance offer'd: I on th' other fide Us'd no ambition to commend my deeds, [doer ; The deeds themfelves, though mute, fpoke loud the But they perfitied deaf, and would not feem To count them things worth notice, till at length 250 Their lords the Philo:titles with gather'd pow'rs Enter'd Judea feeking me, who then Safe to the rock of Etham was retir'd, Not flying, but forecalling in what place To Pet upon them, what advantag'd belt : 255 Mean while the men of Judah, to prevent The harrais of their land, befet me round ; I willingly on fome conditions came Into their hands, and they as gladly yield me To the uncircumcis'd a prey, 260 Bound with two cords ; but cords to me were threads Touch'd with the flame : on their whole hoft I flew Unarm'd, and with a trivial weapon fell'd 'Iheir choiceft youth; they only liv'd who fled. Had Judah that day join'd, or one whole tribe, 265 They had by this poffels'd the tow'rs of Gath, And lorded over them whom now they ferve : But what more oft in nations grown corrupt, And by their vices brought to fervitude, Than to love bondage more than liberty, 270 Bondage with eafe than firenuous liberty ; And to defpile, or envy, or fufpet WhomGod hath of his fpecial favor rais'd