SAMSON AGONISIt S.; seit As their deliverer ; if he ought begin, How frequent to defert him, and at kit i75 1!, To heap ingratitude on Warthiell deeds ? Cho. Thy words to my remembrance bring How Succoth and the fort of P,,nuel Their great deliverer conterran'd, The rnatchlefs Gideon in purfuit 2 d Of Madian and her vanquifh'd kings And how ingrateful Ephraim Had dealt with Jephtha, who by argument,' Not worfe than by his fhield and fpear; Defended Ifrael from the Ammonite, 231 Had not his prowefs quell'd their pride In that fore battel, when fo many dy'd Without reprieve adjudg'd to death, For want of well pronouncing Shibboleth. Sam. Of fuch examples add me to the roll, Od Me eafily indeed mine may negled, But God's propos'd deliverance not fo. Cho. juit are the ways of God, And juilifiable to men ; Unlefs there be who think not God at all 295 If any be, they walk obfcure ; For of fuch dodrine never was there fchool, But the heart of the fool, And no man therein door but hitnfelf. Yet more there be who doubt his ways not juit, oø As to his own edits found contradiaing, Then give the reins to wandring thought, Regardlefs of his glory's diminution ; Till by their own perplexities involv'd They ravel more, Hill lets refolv'd, But never find felf-fatisfying folution. As if they would confine th' Interminable, And tie him to his own prefcript, Pppp Wfaq