'62 SAMSON AGONISTES: Who made our laws to bind us, not himfelf, And hath full right t' exempt 310 Whom fo it pleafes him by choice From national obfiriCtion, without taint Of fin, or legal debt ; For with his own laws he can heft difpenfe. He would not rife who never wanted means, 315 Nor in refped of th' enemy juft caufe To fet his people free, Have prompted this heroic Nazarite, Againft his vow of ftriCteft purity, To feek in marriage that fallacious bride, 320 Unclean, unchafte. Down reafon then, at leaft vain reafonings down, Though reafon here aver That moral verdict quits her of unclean : Unchafte was fubfequent, her ftain not his. 325 But fee here comes thy reverend Sire With careful ftep, locks white as down, Old Manoah : advife Forthwith how thou oughtft to receive him. Sam. Ay me, another inward grief awak'd 330 With mention of that name renews th' affault. Man. Brethren and men of Dan, for fuch ye feet, Though in this uncouth place) if old refped, As 1 fuppofe, tow'ards your once glory'd friend, Nly fon now captive, hither hath inform'd 335 Your younger feet, while mine caft back with age Came lagging after ; fay if he be here. Cho. As fignal now in low dejeded,ftate, As ear It in high'eU, behold him where he lies. Man. 0 miserable change l is this the man, 340 That invincible Samfon, far renown'd, The dread of Ifrael's foes, who with a firength Equivalent to Angels walk'd their streets, None