364 SAMSON AGONISTES. Of vow, and have betray'd it to a woman, A Canaanite, my faithlefs enemy. 380 This well I knew, nor was at all furpris'd, But wa- n'd by oft experience : did not fhe Of Tina firft betray me, and reveal The fecret wrefted from me in her highth Of nuptial love profefs'd, carrying it (trait 385 To them who had corrupted her, my (pies, And rivals ? In this other was there found More faith, who alfo in her prime ()Hove, Spaufal embraces, vitiated with gold, Though offer'd only, by the fent conceiv'd 390 Hr fpurious firfl-born, treafon againft me ? Thrice the affay'cl with flattering pray'ra and fighs, And amprons reproaches, to win from me My capital fecret, in what part my fIrength Lay Itor'd, in what part fumm'd, that fhe might know; Thrice I deluded her, and turn'd to fport 396 Her importunity, each time perceiving I-low openly, and with what impudence She prpos'd to betray me, and (which was worfe Than undiffernbled hate) with what contempt 400 She fought to make me traitor to myfelf ; Yet the fourth time, when muft'ring all her wiles, With blandifh'd parties, feminine affaults, pague-batterieE, the furceas'd not day nor night To ftorm me over-match'd, and weary'd out, 405 At times when men leek molt repole and reft, I yielded, and unlock'd her all my heart, Who with a grain of manhood well refolv'd Might eafily have (hook off all her fnares 1_10 foul efferninancy held me yok'd 419 er bond fiave 0 indignity, 0 blot 119nor and religion ! fervile mind emrded well with fervile puniihment av The