SAMSON AGONISTE S. 565 The bale degree to which I now am falrn, Thefe rags, this grinding is not yet fo bale 415 As was my former fervitude, ignoble, Unmanly, ignominious, infamous, True flavery, and that blindnefs worfe than this, That faw not. how degenerately I ferw'd. Man. I cannot praite thy marriage chokes, Son, 420 Rather approv'd them not; but thou didit plead Divine impulfion prompting how thou, mighta Find fame occafion to infeft our foes.. I Bate not that ; this I am lure, our foes Found foon occafion thereby to make these 425 Their captive, and their triumph ; thou the loaner Temptation foundli,-or over-potent charms To violate the facred truft of filence Depofited within thee ; which to have kept Tacit, was in thy pow'r : true ; and thou bear'{{ 43o Enough, and more, the burden of that fault ; Bitterly haft thou pay'd, and it'll! art paying That rigid (core. A worfe thing yet remains, This day the Philiftines a popular fealt Here celebrate in Gaza ; and proclaim 435 Great pomp, and facrifice, and proi12.s loud To Dagon, as their Gad, who bath deliwer'd Thee, Samfon, bound and blind into their hands, Them out of thine, who flew'Lt them many a flair. So Dagon Mall be magnify'd, and God, 440 R.fides whom is no God, counpar'd with idols, Difglorify'd, blafphein'd, and had in fccrn By the idolatrous rout a.midft their wine; Which to have come to pals by means of thee, Samfon, of all thy fufferings think the heavieft, 445 Of all reproach the matt with flume that ever could have befall'n thee and thy father's bottle. Sam. Father, I do acknowledge and coniefs That