Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

568 SAMSON AGONISTES. Where thou may'll bring thy offerings, to avert H;6 further ire, with pray'rs and vows renew'd ? 520 Sam. His pardon I implore ; but as for life, To what end fltould I Peek it ? when in ttrength All mortals I excell'd, and great in hopes With youthful courage and magnanimous thoughts Of birth from Haven foretold, and high exploits, 525 Full of divine inftind, after force proof Of ads indeed heroic, far beyond The Eons of Anak, famous now and blaz'd, Fearlefs of danger, like a petty God I walk'd adrnir'd of all and dreaded 530 On hothle ground, none daring my affront. Then fwoll'n with pride into the fnare I fell Of fair fallacious looks, venereal trains, Soften'A with pleafure and voluptuous life ; At I( ngth to lay my head and hallow'd pledge 535 Of all my thength in the lafcivious lap Of a deceitful concubine, who fhore me Like a tame weather, all my precious fleece, Then turn'd me out ridiculous, defpoird, Shav'n, and difarm'd among mine enemies. 540 Cho. Defire of wine and all delicious drinks, Which many a famous warrior overturns, Thou couldtI reprefs, nor did the dancing ruby Sparkling, out-pour'd, the flavor, or the thnell, Or mile that shears the hearts of Gods and men, 545 Allure thee from the cool cryttalline ftream. Sam. Wherever fountain or frefh current flow'd Againft the eatlern ray, tranflucent, pure With touch ethereal of Heav'n's fiery. rod, I drank, from the clear milky juce allaying 550 Thirft, and refrefh'd ; nor envy'd them the grape Whole heads that turbulent liquor fills with fumes. Cho. 0 madnefs, to think Life of itrongeit wines And