SANIsOisr AO-oNisTESi .160 And ftrongeft drinks our chief fupport of health; When God with thefe fotbidd'n made choice to rear His mighty champion; strong above compare, :TO Whole drink was only from the liquid brook. Sam. But what avail'd this terrip'rance, not complete Againft another objet more enticing What boots it at one gate to make defence,. j5d And at another to let in the foe, Effeminately vanquifh'd ? by which meads, Now blind, difhearten'd, fham'd, difhonor'd, goell% To what can I be ufeful, wherein ferve My nation, and the work from Heav'n itnpos'cl, .56g But to fit idle on the houlhold hearth, A burd'nous drone ; to vifitants a gaze; Or pity'd objet, thefe redundant locks Robtiftious to no purpofe cluftting down; Vain monument of fleength ; till length of years :57d And fedentary numnefs craze my limbs To a contemptible old age obfcure ? Here rather let me drudge and earn my breads Till vermin or the draff of fervile food Confume me, and oft- invocated death .01 Haften the welcome end of all my pains. (gift Man. Wilt thou then ferve the Philiftines with that Which was exprefly giv'n thee to annoy them ? Better at home lie bed-rid, not only idle; Inglorious, unemploy'd, with age outworn But God who caus'd a fountain at thy prayer From the dry ground to fpringi thy thirft t' allay After the brunt of battel, can as eafy Caufe light again within thy eyes to fpring, Wherewith to ferve him better than thou haft i; And I perfuade me fu ; why elfe this ftrength Miraculous yet remaining in thole locks ? His might continues in thee not for nought, q