Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

o SAMSON AGONISTES: Nor (hail his wondrous gifts be frufirate thus: Sam. All otherwife to me my thoughts portend, 590 That thefe dark orbs no more (hall treat with light, Nor th' other light of life continue long, But yield to double darkners nigh at hand : So much I feel my genial fpirits droop, My hopes all flat, nature within me feems 595 In all her functions weary of herfelf, My race of glory run, and race of 'lime, And I {hall (hardy be with them that refl. Man. Believe not thefe fuggeftions which proceed From anguifh of the mind and humors black, boo That mingle with thy fancy. I hpwever Mutt not,omit a father's timely care To protecute the means of thy deliverance By ranfome, or how die : mean while be calm, And healing words from thefe thy friends admit. 6o5 Sam. 0 that torment should not be confin'd To the body's wounds and fores, With maladies innumerable In heart, head, breafi and reins ; But mutt fecret paffage find 6 JO To th' inmoft mind There exercife all his fierce accidents, And on her pureft fpirits prey, As on entrails, joints, and limbs, With anfwerable pains, but more intenfe, 615 Though void of corporal fenfe. My griefs not only pain me As a lingring difeafe, But finding no redrefs, ferment aid rage, Nor lets than wounds irnmedicable 620 Rankle, and fetter, and gangrene, To black mortification. Thoughts my tormentors arm'd with deadly ftings Mangle