SAMSON AGONISTES. Mangle my apprehenfive tendereft parts, Exafperate, exulcerate, and raife 625 Dire inflammation, which no cooling herb Or medicinal liquor can affwage, Nor breath of vernal air from fnowy Alp. Sleep hath forfook and giv'n me o'er To death's benumming opium as my only cure : 63o Thence faintings, fwoonings of defpair, And fenfe of Heav'n's defertion. I was his nurfling once, and choice delight, His deftin'd from the womb, Promis'd by heav'nly meffsge twice defcending. 635 Under his fpecial eye Abftemious I grew up, and thriv'd amain ; He led me on to mightieft deeds Above the nerve of mortal arm Againft th' uncircumcis'd, our enemies : 640 But now bath catt me off as never known, And to thole cruel enemies, Whom I by his appointment had provok'd, Left me all helplefs with th' irreparable lois Of fight, referv'd alive to be repeated 645 The fubjed of their cruelty or fcorn. Nor am I in the lift of them that hope; Hopelefs are all my evils, all remedilefs ; This one prayer yet remains, might I be heard, No long petition, fpeedy death, bso The dole ofall my miferies, and the balm. Cha. Many are the fayings of the wife In ancient and in modern hooks inroll'd, Extolling patience as the truth fortitude ; And to the bearing well of all calamities, 655 All chances incident to man's frail life, Confolatories writ With ftudy'd argument, and much perfuafion fought Lenient