SA AGONISTES, Lenient of grief and anxious thought : poi with th' afflicted in his pangs their found 66o Little prevails, or rather feems a tune Harth, and of diffmant mood from his complaint ; Unlefs he feel within Some tource of confolation from above, Secret retreftlings, that repair his ftrength, 665' And fainting ipirits uphold. G)cl of our fathers, what is man ! That thou tow'ards him with hand fo various, Or might I fay contrarious, Temper'ft thy providence through his fhort courfc, Not ev'nly, as thou reit Op Th' angelic orders and inferior creatures mute, Irrational and brute. Nor do I name of men the common rout, Flowand'ring lode about 475 Grow up and perifh, as the fummer file, Heads without name no more remember'd, Put fuch as thou haft folemnly eleded, With gifts and graces eminently, adorn'd Tc.3 forne great work, thy glory, 68o And people's fafety, which in part they' effed: Yet toward thefe thus dignify'd, thou oft Amidft their highth of noon Changrat thycount'nance; and thy hand with no regard pf higheft favors part 685 from thee pn them, or them to thee of fervice. Nor only doll degrade dun), or remit T9 Op phfcuccL which were a fair difmiffion, [high, Put throw't1 them lower than thou didft exalt them TAfecnply falls in human eye, 690 Too grievous for the treipafs or omillion Olt Itavli them to the hoftile fword Of tigh59 and Prot4nc., 0.1eiScarCal0