Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

SAMSON AGONISTES. To dogs and fowls a prey, or elfe captiv'd ; Or to th' unjuft tribunals, under chaoge of times, 695 And condemnation of th' ingrateful multitude. If thefe they fcape, perhaps in pi-Neil With ficknefs and difeafe thou bow'it them down, Painful difeafes and deform'd, 'In crude old age; 700 Though not di ordinate, yet cauflefs fuff'ring The punithrnent of diflolute days : in fine, Ju 11 or unjuft alike feem miferable, For oft alike both come to evil end. 704 So deal not with this once thy glorious champion, The image of thy ilrength, and mighty minifter. What do I beg ? how haft thou dealt already ? Behold him in this Efate calamitous, and turn His labors, for thou canft, to peaceful end. But who is this, what thing of tea or land ? 710 Female of fex it feems, That tee bedeck'd, ornate, and gay, COMCS this way tailing Like a flaidy fhip Of Tarfus, bound for th' ifles 715 Of Javan or aldire With all her bravery on, and tackle trim, Sails fill'd, and fireamers waving, Courted by all the winds that hold them play, An amber fent of odorous perfume 720 Her harbinger, a damfel train behind ; Sonie rich Philiflian matron the may icem, And now at nearer view, no other certain Than Dalila thy wife. 724 4Som. My wife, my traitrefs, let her not come near me. Cho. Yet on the moves, now flan&and eyes thee fix'd, About t' have fpoke, but now, with head declin'd Like a fair flow', furcharg'd with dew, the weeps, And 573