Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

S74, SAMSON AGONISTES. And words addrefs'd feem into tears diffolv'd, Wetting the borders of her filken veil : 73o But now again the makes addrefs to fpeak. Dal. With doubtful feet and wavering refolution I came, flill dreading thy difpleafure, Samfon. Which to have merited, without excufe, I cannot but acknowledge ; yet if tears 735 May expiate (though the fact more evil drew In the perverfe event than I forefaw) My penance hath not flacken'd, though my pardon No way affur'd. But conjugal affeOion Prevailing over fear, and timorous doubt, 740 Hach led me on, defirous to behold Once more thy face, and know of thy eflate, Ifought in my ability may ferve To lighten what thou fuffer'ft, and appeafe Thy mind with what amends is in my power, 745 Though late, yet in fome part to recompenfe My milt but more unfortunate mifdeed. Sam. Out, out Hyena ; thefe are thy wonted arts, And arts of every woman falfe like thee, To break all faith, all vows, deceive, betray, 750 Then as repentant to fubmit, befeech, And reconcilement move with feign'd remorfe, Confefs, and promife wonders in her change, Not truly penitent, but chief to try Her hufb3nd, how far urg'd his patience bears, 755 His virtue or weaknefs which way to affail : Then with more cautious and inftruded fkill Again tranfgreffes, and again fubmits ; Tnat wildt and belt men full oft beguil'd, With goodnefs principled not to rejed 76o The penitent, but ever to forgive, Are drawn to wear out miferable days, Intangled with a pois'nous boloin fnake, If