Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

SAMSON AGONISTES If not by quick defirudion foon cut off As I by thee, to ages an example 765 Dal. Yet hear me, Sa.mfon ; not that I endevor To leffen or extenuate my offenfe, But that on th' other fide if it be weigh'd By itfelf, with aggravations not furcharg'd, Or elfe with juft allowance counterpois'd, 770 I may, if poffible, thy pardon find The eafier towards me, or thy hatred lefs. Firft granting, as I do, it was a weaknefs In me, but incident to all our fex, Curiofity, inquifitive, importune 775 Of fecrets, then with like infirmity To publifh them, both common female faults : Was it not weaknefs alto to make known For importunity, that is for nought, Wherein confifted all thy ftrength and fafety ? 78o To what I did thou fhowd'ft me firft the way, But I to enemies reveal'd, and fhould not : Nor fhould'ft thou have trufted that to woman's frailty : Ere I to thee, thou to thyfelf waft cruel. Let weaknefs then with weaknefs come to park 785 So near related, or the fame of kind, Thine forgive mine ; that men may cenfure thine The gentler, if feverely thou exact not More ftrength from me than in thyfelf'was found. And what if love, which thou interpreft hate, 79 The jealoufy of love, poW'rful of Tway In human hearts, nor lefs in mine tow'rds thee, Caus'd what I did ? I faw thee mutable Of fancy, fear'd left one day thou would'ft leave me As her at Timm, fought by all means therefore 795 How to indea, and hold thee to me firmeft : No better way I faw than by importuning To learn thy fecrets, get into my power 57S Thy