Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

-576 SAMSON AGONISTES2 Thy key of ftrength and fafety : thou wilt fay; Wny then reveal'd ? I was affur'd by thole 8o0 Who tempted me, that nothing was defign'd Againft thee but fafe cuftody, and hold That made for me; I knew that liberty Wou'd draw thee forth to perilous enterprifes, While I at home fat full of cares and fears, Wailing thy abfence in my widow'd bed, Here I fhould Bill enjoy thee day and night Mine and love's prifoner, not the Philiftines, Whole to myfelf, unhazarded abroad, Fearlefs at home of partners in my love, 8 Theie reafons in love's law have pail for goody Though fond and reafonlefs to Tome perhaps ; And love bath (4,, well meaning, wrought much woe, Yet always pity' or pardon bath obtain'd. Be not unlike all others, not auftere 81$ As thou art ftiong, inflexible as fteel. If thou in ftrength all mortals dolt exceed, In uncompaffionate anger do not fo. Sam. How cunningly the forcerefs difplays Her own tranfgreffions, to upbraid me mine ? 820 That malice not repentance brought thee hither, By this appears : I gave, thou fay'ft, th' example, I led the way : bitter reproach, but true ; I to myfelf was falfe ere thou to me ; Such pardon therefore as I give my folly, 825 Take to thy wicked deed ; which when thou fee'ft Impartial, felf-fevere, inexorable, Thou wilt renounce thy feeking, and much rather Confefs it feign'd : weaknefs is thy excufe, And I believe it, weaknefs to refift 830 Philiftian gold : if weaknefs may excufe, What murderer, what traitor, parricide, Inceftuous, faccilegious, but may plead it ? All 8o5