Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

SAMSON AGONISTES. 579 Goes by the worfe, whatever be her caufe. 90¢ Sam, For want of words no doubt, or lack of breath ; Witnels when I was worried with thy peals. .Dal. I was a fool, too rafh, and quite miflaken In what I thought would have fucceeded belt Let me obtain forgivenefs of thee, Samfon, A ffrd me place to [howwhat recompenfe 910 Tow'rds thee I intend for what I have mil-done, Ms(guided ; only what remains paft cure Bear not too fenfibly, nor {till infift 1" afflict thyfelf in vain : though fight be loft, Life yet bath many folaces, enjoy'd 915 Where other fenfes want not their delights At home in leifure and domeftic cafe, Exempt from many'a care and chance to which Eye-fight expofes daily men abroad. I to the lords will intercede, not doubting 920 Their favorable ear, that I may fetch thee From forth this loathfome prifon.houle, to abide With me, where my redoubled love and care With nurfing diligence, to me glad office, May ever tend about thee to old age 925 With all things grateful chear'd, and fo fupply'd, That what by me thou' haft loft thou lea: [halt mifs. Sam. No, no, of my condition take no care ; It fits not ; thou and I long fince are twain Nor think me fo unwary or accurs'd, 930 To bring my feet again into the fnare Where once I have been caught ; 1 know thy trains Though dearly to my colt, thy gins, and toils ; Thy fair inchanted cup, and warbling charms No more on me have pow'r, their force is null'd, 935 So much of adder's wifdom I have learn'd To fence my ear againft thy forceries. If in my flower of youth and flrength when all men Lov'd,