580 SAMSON AGONISTES. Lov'd, honor'd, fear'd me, thou alone could'fl hate me Thy hufband, fight me, fell me, and forego me ; 940 How wouldft thou ufe me now, blind, and thereby Deceivabie, in molt things as a child flelplefs, thence eafily contemn'd, and foorn'd, And laft negle6ted ? How woulda thou infult, When I mull live uxorious to thy will 945 In perfct thraldom, how again betray me, searing my words and doings to the lords glofs upon, and cenfuring, frown or (mile ? This jail I count the houfe of liberty To thine, whole doors my feet flan never enter. 945 .Dal. Let me approach at leaf(, and touch thy hand, Sam. Not for thy life, left fierce remembrance wake My fudden rage to tear thee joint by joint. At diflance 1 forgive thee, go with that ; Letvail thy falthood, and the pious works 955 It bath brought forth to make thee memorable Among illuttrious women, faithful wives : rifh thy hatien'el widowhood with the gold pr mdtrirnonial treafon la farewel. flat. I fee thou art implacable, more deaf 960 To pray!' s, than winds and feas, yet winds to feas Ayt ieconcil'd at length, and lea to (bore Thy anger unaopeafeable, fill rages, tempeit never to be calm'd. Wily do 1 humble thus myfelf, and fuing 965 'or peace, reap nothing but repulfe and hate ? Biti with evil omen, and the brand pf Oamy upon my name tlenoupc'd ? To mix with thy concernment I defift Ileticjorth, nor too much difapprove my own. 970 ame if not double-fac'd is double-mouth'd, .And with contrary blaft proclaims molt deeds; ell both hi,'s wings, one black, the other whites ears