SAMSON AGONIS TES., 581 Bears greateff names in his wild aery flight. My name perhaps among the circumcis'd 975 In Dan, in Judah, and the bordering tribes, To all poiterity may {land defam'd, With maledidion mention'd, and the blot Of falfhood molt unconjugal traduc'd. But in my country where I molt defire, 980 In Ecron, Gaza, Atdod, and in Gath, I (hall be nam'd among the farnoufeft Of women, lung at foie= feffivals, Living and dead reef), ded, who to fave Her country from a fierce deftroyer, chafe 985 Above the faith of wedlock-bat,ds, my tomb With odors vifited and annual flowers ; Not lets renowii'd than in mount Ephraim Jae!, viho with inhofpitable guile Smote Sacra sleeping through the temples 'laird. 99© Nor (11,11 I count it hainous to enjoy The public marks of honor and reward Conferr'd IL-mil me, for the piety Which to my country I was judg'd to' have Chown. At this who ever envies or repines, 995 I leave him to his lot, and like my own. Cho. She's gone, a manifeit ferpent by her fling Ditcove,'d in the end, till now conceal'd. Sam. So let her go, God fent her to debafe me, And aggravate my folly, who committed 10oo To fuch a viper his moil facred truit Of fecrei-y, my fafety, and my life. [power, Cho. Yet beauty, though injurious, bath ftrange After offenfe returning, to regain Love once poffels'd, nor can be eafily 1005 Repuls'd, without much inward paffion felt And fecret fling of amorous remorfe Sam.