Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

SAMSON AGONISTES: With dotage, and his fence deprav'd To folly and fhameful deeds which ruin ends. What pilot fo expert but needs mull wreck Imbark'd with fuch a freers-mate at the helm ? 104.5 Favor'd of Heav'n who finds One virtuous rarely found,' That in domeftic good combines ; Happy that houfe his way to peace is fmooth But virtue which breaks through all opposition, 1050 And all temptation can remove, Moll fhines and molt is acceptable above. Therefore God's univerfal law Gave to the man defpotic power Over his female in due awe, 1055 Nor from that right to part an hour, Smile fhe or lour : So !hall he leaft confufion draw On his whole life, not fway'd By female ufurpation, or diftnay'd. Io6o But had we heft retire, I fee a florm ? Sam. Fair days have oft contrasted wind and rain. Cho. But this another kind of tempeft brings. Sam. Be lefs abfirufe, my riddling days are pall. Cho. Look now for no inchanting voice, nor fear The bait of honied words ; a rougher tongue 1066 Draws hitherward, I know him by his (hide, The giant Harapha of Gath, his look Haughty as is his pile high-built and proud. Comes he in peace ? what wind hath blown him hither I lefs conjeCture than when firft I faw 1071 The fumptuous Dalila floting this way : His habit carries peace, his brow defiance. Sam. Or peace or not, alike to me he comes. Cho. His fraught we foon (hail know, he now arrives. Har. I come not, Samfon to condole thy chance, As 583