Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

5g4: SA-114SON. AOONISTEg. As thefe perhaps, yet wifh it had not been, io Through for no friendly' intent. I am of Gath, Men call me Haraphi, of ftock renown'd As Og or Anak and the Emims old io8cf That Kiriathaim held, thou knoov'tt me now If thou at all art known,. Much I have heard Of thy prodigious might and feats perform'd Incredible to me, in this ditpleas'd, That I was never prefent on, the place xo8 we Of thofe encounters, where might have try'd Each other's force in camp or lifted field : And now am come to fee of whom fuch noire Hach walk'd about, and each limb to furvey, If thy appearance anivver loud report. loso Sam. The way to know were not to fee but tafte. Har. Dolt thou already fingle me ? I thought Gyves and the mill had tam'd thee. 0 that fortune Had brought me to the field, where thou art fam'd To' have wrought fuch wonders with an afs's jaw ; I thould have forc'd thee foon with other arms, 1096 Or left thy carcafs where the afs lay thrown : So had the glory' of prowefs been recover'd To Paleftine, won by a Philiftine 1099 From the unforefkinn'd race, of whom thou bearlt The higheft name for valiant ads ; that honor Certain to' have won by mortal duel from thee, 1 lofe, prevented by thy eyes put out. [do Sam. Boaft not of what thou wouldft have done, but What then thou wouldft, thou feeft it in thy hand. Har. To combat with a blind man I difdain, 1106 And thou haft need much wafhing to be touch'd. Sam. Such ufage as your honorable lords Afford me' affaffinated and betray'd, Who durft not with their whole united powers ilIo In fight withftand me fingle and unarm'd, Nor