SAMSON AGONISTESi Nor in the houfe with chamber ambufhes Clofe-banded durft attack me, no not fleeping, Till they had hir'd a woman with their gold Breaking her marriage faith to circumvent ate. irq Therefore without feign'd (hilts let be affiso'd Some narrow place inclos'd, where fight may give theeOr rather flight, no great advantage on me ; Then put on all thy gorgeous arms, thy helmet And brigandine of brafs, thy broad habergeon Vant-brafs and greves, and gauntlet, add thy fpear, A weaver's beam, and feven-times-folded (hield, I only with an oaken ilaff will meet thee, And raife fuch outcries on thy clatter'd iron, Which long (hall not withhold me from thy head) That in a little time while breath remains thee, Thou oft (halt with thyfell at Gath to boaft Again in fafety what thou wouldft have done To Sainfon) but (hall never fee Gath more, Bar. Thou durft not thus difparage glorious artrigi Which greateft heroes have in battel worn, 113i. Their ornament and fafety, had not fpells And black inchanttnent, fome magician's art, Arm'd thee or charm'd thee thong, which thou freirri Heaven Feign'clft at thy birth was giv'n thee in thy hair, I 13g Where flrength can leaft abide, though all thy hairs Were briftles rang'd like thole that ridge the back. Of chaf'd wild boars, or ruffled porcupines. Sam. I know no fpells, ufe no forbidden arts ; My truft is in the living God, who gave me 114d At my nativity this arength diffus'd No lets through all my finews, joints and bones, Than thine, while I preferv'd thefe locks unfhorn The pledge of my unviolated vow. For proof hereof, if Dagon be thy God, 114.9' Sass Go 5*