Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

'586 SAMSON AGONISTES Go to his temple, invocate his aid With folemneft devotion, fpread before him How highly it concerns his glory now To fruftrate and diffolve thefemagic Which I to be the power of Ifrael's God tiso Avow, and challenge Dagon to the teft, Offering tocombat thee his champion bold, With th' utmoft of his Godhead teconded : Then thou [halt fee, or rather to thy forrow i i 54 Soon feel, whole God is flrongeft, thine or mine. Har. Prefume not on thy God, whate'er he be, Thee he regards not, owns not, hath cut off Quite from his people, and deliver'd up Into thy enemies hand, permitted them To put out both thine eyes, and fetter'd fend thee 1160 Into the common prifon, there to grind Among the slaves and affes, thy comrades, As good for nothing elfe, no better fervice With thole thy boift'rous locks, no worthy match For valor to affail, nor by the fword 1165 Of noble warrior, fo to thin his honor, But by the barber's razor belt fubdued. Sam. All thefe indignities, for fuch they are From thine, thefe evils I deferve and more, Acknowledge them from God inflided on me 1170 Jutlly, yet defpair not of his final pardon Whole ear is ever open, and his eye Gracious to re-admit the fuppliant ; In confidence whereof I once again Defy thee to the trial of mortal fight, 1175 By combat to decide vvhofe God is God, Thine or whom I with Ifrael's Eons adore. Har. Fair honor that thou dolt thy God, in trufling He will accept thee to defend his caufe, A Murderer, a Revolter, and a Robber. I I So Sam.