X83 SAMSON AGONIS TES. But to their mailers gave me up for nought, 1215 Th' unworthier they ; whence to this day they ferve. was to do my part from Heav'n affign'd, And had perform'd it, if my known offenfe Had not difabled me, not all your force Thefe (hilts refuted, anfwer thy appellant 1220 Though by his blindnefs maim'd for high attempts, Who now defies thee thrice to Tingle fight, As a petty enterprife of fmall enforce. .mar. With thee a man condernn'd, a have inroll'd, Due by the law to capital punifhment ? 1225 To fight with thee no man of arms will deign. Sam. Camit thou for this, vain boater, to furvey me, To defcant on my firength, and give thy verdid ? Come nearer, part not hence fo flight inform'd ; But take good heed my hand furvey not thee. 123o Har. 0 Baal-zebub l can my ears unus'd Pear thefe difhonors, and not repder death ? Sam No man withholds thee, nothing from thy hand Fear I incurable ; bring up thy van, My heels are fetter'd but my fift is free. 1235 liar. This infolence other kind of anfwer fits. Saw. Go baffled coward, left I run upon thee, Though in thefe chains, bulk without tpirit vaft, And with one buffet lay thy firudure low, or Ewing thee in the air, then dafh thee down 1240 o th' hazard of thy brains and ihatter'd fides. Var. By Aftaroth ere long thou (halt lament hete braveries in irons loaden on thee. Cho, His giantfhip is gone fcmewhat creft-faln, §talking with leis unconlcionahle (Irides, 1245 Bpd lower looks, but in a fultry chafe. T./. 1 dread him not, nor all his giant-brood, Th9ugh fame divulge him father of five Ions, All gigaptic fize, Gollah chief® Choi