SAMSON AGONISTES. .589 Cho. He will direaly to the lords, I fear, 1250 And with malicious counfel fir them up Some way or other yet further to affliEt thee. Sam. He muff allege fome caufe, and offer'd fight Will not dare mention, left a queftion rife Whether he durft accept th' offer or not, 1255 And that he duril not plain enough appear'd. Much more >ifHilion than already felt They cannot well impofe, nor I fuftain ; If they intend advantage of my labors, 1259 The work of many hands, which earns my keeping With no (mall profit daily to my owners. But come what will, my deadlieft foe will prove My fpeedieft friend, by death to rid me hence, The worft that he can give, to me the belt. Yet fo it may fall out, becaufe their end 1265 Is hate, not help to me, it may with mine Draw their own ruin who attempt the deed. Cho. 0 how comely it is, and how reviving To the fpirits ofjuft men long opprefs'd I When God into the hands of their deliverer 1270 Puts invincible might 2 To quell the mighty of the earth, th' oppreffor, The brute and boift'rous force of violent rxen Hardy and induftrious to fiipport Tyrannic pow'r, but raging to purfue 1275 The righteous, and all filch as honor truth ; He all their ammunition And feats of war defeats With plain heroic magnitude of mind And celeftial vigor arm'd, 1280 Their armories and magazines contemns, Renders them ufelefs, while With winged expedition Swift as the lightning glance he executes His