rgz SAMSON AGONIS TES: Of ftrength, again returning with my hair 1355 After my great tranfgreffion, fo requite Favor renew'd, and add a greater fin By proftituting holy things to idols ; A Nazarite in place abominable Vaunting my ftrength in honor to their Dagon ? 136o Befides how vile, contemptible, ridiculous, What at more execrably unclean, profane ? Cho.Yet with this ftrength thou ferv'ft the Philiftines, Idolatrous, uncircumcis'd, unclean. Sam. Not in their idol worfhip, but by labor 1365 Honeft and lawful to deferve my food Of thole who have me in their civil power. [not. Cho. Where the heart joins not, outward ads defile Sam. Where outward force conftrains, the fentence holds. But who conftrains me to the temple' of Dagon, 1370 Not dragging ? the Philiftian lords command. Commands are no conftraints. If I obey them, I do it freely, vent'ring to difpleafe God for the fear of Man, and Man prefer, Set God behind : which in his jealoufy 1375 Shall never, unrepented, find forgivenefs. Yet that he may difpenfe with me or thee Prefent in temples at idolatrous rites For fome important caufe, thou neen not doubt; Cho. How thou wilt here come off furmounts my reach. Sam. Be of good courage, I begin to feel 1381 Some roufing motions in me which difpofe To fomething extraordinary my thoughts. I with this this meffenger will go along, Nothing to do, be Pure, that may difhonor 1385 Our Law, or Rain my vow of Nazarite. lf there be ought of prefage in the mind, This