594 SAMSON AGONISTES: Happen what way, of me expert to hear Nothing diffionorable, impure, unworthy Our God, our Law, my Nation, or myfelf, 1425 The laft of me or no 1 cannot warrant. Cho. Go, and the Holy One Of Itrael be thy guide To what may ferve his glory befi, and fpread his name Great among the Heathen round,; 1430 Send thee the Angel of thy birth, to fraud Faft by thy fide, who from thy father's field Rode up in flames after his meffage told Of thy conception, and be now a thield Of fire ; that Spirit that firft ruth'd on thee 1435 In the camp of Dan Be efficacious in thee now at need. For never was from Heav'n imparted Meafure of ftrength fo great to mortal feed, As in thy wondrous adions hath been feen. 1440 But wherefore comes old Manoah in fuch hafte With youthful fteps ? much livelier than ere while He feems : fuppofing here to find his fon, Or of him bringing to us fome glad news ? [hither Man. Peace with you, Brethren ; my inducement Was not at prefent here to find my fon, 1446 By order of the lords new parted hence To come and play before them at their feaft. I heard all as I came, the city rings, And numbers thither flock, I had no will, 45° Left I fhould fee him forc'd to things unfeemly, But that which mov'd my coming now, was chiefly To give ye part with me what hope I have With good fuccefs to work his liberty. 14,54 rho. That hope would much rejoice us to partake With thee ; lay, reverend Sire, we thirft to hear. Man. I have attempted one b1 one the lords Either