Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

SAMSON AGONISTES. 59S Either at home, or through the high ftreet paffing, With fupplication prone and father's tears, T' accept of ranfome for my fon their pris'ner. 146o Some much averfe I found and wondrous harfh, Contemptuous, proud, fet on revenge and ipite That part molt reverenc'd Dagon and his prieits : Others more moderate feeming, but their aim Private reward, for which both God and State 1465 They eafily would fet to fale : a third More generous far and civil, who confefs'd They had enough reveng'd, having reduc'd Their foe to mifery beneath their tears, The reft was magnanimity to remit, 1470 If Come convenient ranfome were propos'd. What noife or (bout was that ? it tore the iky. Cho. Doubtlefs the people (flouting to behold Their once great dread, captive, and blind before them, Or at fome proof of ftrength before them ihwAra. Man. His ranfome, if my whole inheritance 1476 May compafs it, fhall willingly be paid And number'd down : much rather I (hall choofe To live the poorell in my tribe, than richeft, And he in that calamitous prifon left. 1480 No, I am fix'd not to part hence without him. For his redemption all my patrimony, Kneed be, I am ready to forego And quit : not wanting him I than want nothing. Cho. Fathers are wont to lay up for their Ions, 1485 Thou for thy fon art bent to lay out all : Sons wont to nurfe their parents in old age, Thou in old age cart how to nurfe thy ion Made older than thy age through eye-tight loft. Man. It (hall be my delight to tend his eyes, - And view him fitting in the houfe, ennobled With all chafe high exploits by him atchiev'd