598 SAMSON AGONISTE S. Man. Relate by whom. Me. By Samfon. Man. That fill left-ens The forrow, and converts it nigh to joy. Mtj Ah Manoah, I refrain, too tuddenly 1565 To utter what will come at IA too loon; Left evil tidings with too rude irruption Hitting thy aged ear fhould pierce too deep. Man. Sufpenfe in news is torture, (peak them out. .My: Take then the worft in brief, Samfon is dead. Man. The worit indeed, 0 all my hopes defeated To free him hence ! but death who fets all free 1572 I-lath paid his ranfome now and full difcharge. What windy joy this day had I conceiv'd Hopeful of his delivery, which now proves =575 Abortive as the firft- born bloom of fpring Nipt with the lagging rear of winter's froft ! Yet ere I give the reins to grief, fay firft, Haw dy'd he ; death to life is crown or fhame. All by him fell thou fay'ft, by whom fell he, 158o Whit glorious hand gave Samfon his death's wound ? MI Unwounded of his enemies he fell. Man. Weariedwith (laughter then or how ? explain. Mei: By his own hands. Man. Self-violence ? what caufe Brought him fo loon at variance with himfelf 1585 Among his foes ? Mell. Inevitable caufe At once both to deftroy and be deftroy'd ; The edifice, where all were met to fee him, Upon their heads and on his own he pull'd. Man. 0 lattly over-thong againft thyfelf 1 1590 A dreadful way thou took'ft to thy revenge. More than enough we know ; but while things yet Are in confufion, give us if thou call, Eyes