Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

SAMSON AGONISTES; Eye-witnefs of what firft or WI was done, Relation more particular and diflint. 1595 Meg Occafions drew me early to this city, And as the gates I enter'd with fun-rife, The morning trumpets feftival proclaim'd Through each high flreet little I had difpatch'd, When all abroad was rumor'd that this day i6o0 Samfon fhould be brought forth, to chow the people Proof of his mighty ftrength in feats and games; I forrow'd at his captive flate, but minded Not to be abfent at that fpedacle. The building was a fpacious theatre 1605 Half-round on two main pillars vaulted high, With feats where all the lords and each degree Of fort, might fit in order to behold ; The other fide was open, where the throng On banks and fcaffolds under fky might Band ; 16io I among thefe aloof obfcurely flood. The feail and noon grew high, and facrifice Had fill'd their hearts with mirth, high chear, and wine, When to their fports they turn'd. Immediately Was Samfon as a public fervant brought, 1615 In their Rate livery clad ; before him pipes And timbre's, on each fide went armed guards, Both honk and foot, before him and behind Archers, and flingers, cataphrats and (pears, At fight of him the people with a fhout 1620 Rifted the air, clamoring their God with praife, Who' had made their dreadful enemy their thrall. He patient but undaunted where they led him, Came to the place, and what was fet before him, Which without help of eye might be affay'd, t 625 To heave, pull, draw, or break, he Rill perform'd All with incredible, flupenduous force, None daring to appear antagonift. 599 At