r. 1 iE 600 SAMSON AGONIS TESi At length for intermiffion fake they led him Between the pillars ; he his guide requefled /636 (For fo from fuch as nearer flood we heard) As over-tir'd to let him lean a while With both his arms on thole two maffy pillars, That to the arched roof gave main fupport. He unfufpicious led him ; which when Samfon 1635 Felt in his arms, with head a while inclin'd, And eyes fait fix'd he flood, as one who pray'd, Or fome great matter in his mind revolv'd At laft with head erect thus cry'd aloud, Hitherto, Lords, what your commands impos'd 1640 I have perform'd, as reafon was, obeying, Not without wonder or delight beheld : Now of my own accord fuch other trial I mean to fhow you df my ftrength, yet greater , As with amaze (hall rike all who behold. 1645 This utter'd, firaining all his nerves he bow'd, As with the force of winds and waters pent, When mountains tremble, thole two maffy pillars With horrible convulfion to and fro, 1649 He tugg'd, he fhook, till down they came and drew The whole roof after them, with burft of thunder Upon the heads of all who fat beneath, Lords, ladies, captains, counfellors, or priefts, Their choice nobility and flow'r, not only Of this but each Philiflian city round 1655 Met from all parts to folemnize this feaft. Samfon with there immix'd, inevitably Pull'd down the fame deftrudion on himfelf ; The vulgar only fcap'd who flood without. Cho. 0 dearly-bought revenge, yet glorious ! 166o Living or dying thou haft fulfill'd The work for which thou waft foretold To Iliad, and now ly'it vitorious Among