MEV SAMSON AOONISTES; Among thy Hain felf-kill'd Not willingly, but tangled in the fold -166,9 Of dire neceffity, whofe law in death conjoin'd Thee with thy flaughter'd foes in number more Than all thy life had Main before. Semi. While their hearts were jocond and fublime; Drunk with idolatry, drunk with wine, 1674 And fat regored of bulls and goats, Chaunting their idol, and preferring Before our living Dread who dwells In Silo his bright fanduary Among them he a fpi'rit of phrenzy fent, / 6n Who hurt their minds, And tired them on with mad defire To call in hafte for their deftroyer They only let on (port and play Unweetingly importun'd 168o Their own deftruaion to come fpeedy upon them. So fond are mortal men Fall'n into wrath divine, As their own ruin on themfelves t' Infenfate left, or to fenfe reprobate, x6t5 And with blindnefs internal (truck. Semi. But he though blind of fight, Defpis'd and thought extinguifh'd quite, With inward eyes illuminated, His fiery virtue rous'd x 690 From under afhes into fudden flame, And as an evening dragon came, Affailant on the perched moils, And netts in order rang'd Of tame villatic fowl ; but as an eagle 1695 His cloudlefs thunder bolted on their headso So virtue giv'n for loft, Deprefs'd, and overthrown, as feem'd, Uuuü Like 60-A: