602 SAMSON AGONISTESi L ke that felf-begotten bird In the Arabian woods imboft, 1700 That no fecond knows nor third, 0 And lay ere while a holocauft, From out her allay womb now teem'd, Revives, rflorifInes, then vigorous molt When molt ungtive deem'd, 3705 And though her body die, her fame furvives A fecular bird ages ot lives. Man. Conte, come, no time for lamentation now, Not much more came ; Samfon bath quit himfelf Like Sanafon, and heroically hath finifh'd 1710 A life heroic, on his enemies Fully reveng'd, hath left them years of mourning, And lAmentation to the ions of Caphtor Through all Philiftian bounds ; to Ifrael Honor bath left, and freedom, but let them 1715 Find courage to lay hold on this occafion - To' himfelf and father's houfe eternal fare; Ad which is bell and happieft yet, all this With God not parted from him, as was fear'd, But favoring and Aiding to the end. 1720 Nothing is here for tears, nothing to wail. Or knock the breaft, no weaknefs, no contempt, Diipratfe, or blame, nothing but well and fair, And what may quiet us in a death fo noble. Let us go find the body where it lies 1725 Sok'q in his enemies blood, and from the fiream With lavers pure and cleanfing herbs wafh off 7 he clotted gores I with what fpeed the while (Gaza is not in plight to fay us nay) Will fend for all my kindred, all my friends, 1730 To fetch him hence, and folemnly attend With fluent ohtequy and funeral train Home to his father's houfe : there will I build him A