610 C Q M S. But to my talk. Neptune, betides the fway Of every felt flood, and each ebbing (Iream, Took in by lot 'twixt high and nether Jove 20 Imperial rule of all the tea-girt ides, That like to rich and various gems inlay The unadorned boforn of the deep, Which he to grace his tributary Gods By courfe commits to feveral governments, 25 And gives them leave to wear their faphite crowns, And wicid their little tridents : but this ifle, The greatea and the 'belt of all the main, He quarters to his blue-hair'd -deities ; And all this trad that fronts the falling fun A noble Peer of rnickle qua and power Has in his charge, with temper'd awe to guide An old, and haughty nation proud in arms: Where his fair offspring nurs'd in princely lore Are coming to attend their father's (late, 35 And new- intrufled icepter ; but their way Lies through the perplex'd paths of this drear wood, The nodding horror of whole fhady brows Threats the forlorn and wand'ring paffenger ; And here their tender age might Puffer peril, 40 But that by quick command from fovran Jove 1 was difpatch'd for their defence and guard ; And liften why, for I will tell you now What never yet was heard in tale or Fong, From old or modern bard, in hall or bower. 45 Bacchus, that firil from out the purple grape Crutli'd the fweet poifon of mifufed wine, After the Tufcan mariners transform'd, Coaaing the Tyrrhene fhore, as the winds Filled, On Circe's ifland fell : (Who knows not Circe so The daughter of the fun ? whole charmed cup Whoever tatted, loft his upright fhape, And