C 0 M 1/. S, 6I And downward fell into a groveling fwine) This Nymph that gaz'd upon his clu(Iring locks, With ivy berries wreath'd, and his blithe youth, 55 Had by him, ere he parted thence; a fon Much like his father, but his mother more, Whom therefore the brought up, and Comus nam'd, Who ripe, and frolic of his full grown age, Roving the Celtic and Iberian fields,' 60 At laft betakes him to this ominous wood, And in thick iheiter of black fhades imbower'd Excels his mother at her mighty art, Offering to every weary traveller His orient liquor in a cryfial glafs, 6g To quench the drouth of Phoebus, which as they tafle, (For moil do tafle through fond intemp'rate thirfi) Soon as the potion works, their human count'nance; Th' exprefa refemblance of the Gods, is chang'd Into Come brutith form of wolf, or bear, 70 Or ounce, or tiger, hog, or bearded goat, All other parts remaining as they were ; And they, fo perfeet is their rnifery, Not once perceive their foul disfigurement, But boatt themfelves more comely than before, 75 And all their friends and native home forget, To roll with pleafure in a fenfual Therefore when any favor'd of high Jove Chances to pats through this adventrous glade, Swift as the fparkle of a glancing liar. 8o I (hoot from Heav'n, to give him fafe convoy, As now I do : But fiat I mull put off Thefe my fky robes fpun out of Iris woof, And take the weeds and likenefs of a fwain, That to the fervice of this houfe belongs, 85 Who with his foft pipe, and fmooth-dittied tong, Well knows to Rill the wild winds when they roar, And