612 C 0 M U And hufh the waving woods, nor of lets faith, And in this office of his mountain watch, Liktlieft, and neareft to the prefent aid Of this occafion. But I hear the tread Of hateful fteps, I mull be viewlefs now. Comus enters with a charming rod in one hand, his glafs in the other ; with him a rout of monflers, headed like fundry forts of wild beafts, but other- wife like men and women their apparel glittering ; they come in making a riotous and unruly noife, with torches in their hands. Com. The flar that bids the fhepherd fold, 1N-ow- the top of Heav'n doth hold, And the gilded car of day Bi glowing axle doth allay In the fleep Atlantic itrearn, And the Elope fun his upward beam Shoots againft the dutley pole, Pacing toward the other goal Or his chamber in the eall. Wan while welcome Joy, and Feaft, Midnight Shout and Revelry, Tipfy Dance and Jollity, Braid your locks with rofy twine, Dropping odors, dropping wine. Rigor now is gone to bed, And Advice with fcrupulous head, Strid Age, and four Severity With their grave Paws in flumber lie. We that are of purer fire Imitate the (tarry quire, Who in their nightly watchful fpheres Lead in fwift round the months and years. 95 100 'Os I10 The