C 0 M U S. 6;3 The founds and leas, with all their finny drove, 115 Now to the moon in wavering morrice move ; And on the tawny fands and shelves Trip the pert faeries and the dapper elves. By dimpled brook, and fountain brim, The Wood-Nymphs deck'd with daifies trim4 120 Their merry wakes and pagiahs keep What bath night to do with fleep Night bath better Tweets to prove, Venus now wakes, and wakens Love. Come let us our rites begin, ;25 'Tis only day-light that makes fin, Which thefe dun fhades will ne'er report. Hail Goddefs of no6turnal fport, Dark-veird Cotytto, t' whom the fecret flame Of midnight-torches burns ; myfterious dame, 132 That ne'er art cali'd, but when the dragon womb Of Stygian darknets fpits her thickeft gloom, And makes one blot of all the air ; Stay thy cloudy ebon chair, Wherein thou rid'it with Hecat', and befriend 135 Us thy vow'd prieUs, till uttnoft end Of all thy dues be done, and none left out, Ere the blabbing ealtern teout, The nice morn on the Indian fleep From her cabin'd loophole peep, 142 And to the tell-tale fun defcry Our conceal'd foletnnity. Come, knit hands, and beat the ground In a light fantastic round. The Meafire. Break off, break off, I feel the different pace Offome chafte footing near about this ground. 144 Run