616 C 0 M U S.: And thou unblemifh'd form of Chaftity 215 I fee ye vifibly and now believe That he, the Supreme God, t' whom all things ill Are but as flavith officers of vengeance, Would fend a glitiring guardian if need were To keep my life and honor unaffail'd. 220 Was I deceiv'd, or did a fable cloud Turn forth her filver lining on the night ? I did not err, there does a fable cloud Turn forth her flyer lining on the night, And calls a gleam over this tufted grove. 225 I cannot hallow to my Brothers, but Such noife as I can make to be heard fartheft venture, for my new inliven'd fpirits Prompt me ; and they perhaps are not far off. S 0 N G. SWEET Echo, fweeteft nymph, that unfeen Within thy aery (hell, 231 By flow Meander's margent green, And in the violet-embroider'dvale, Where the love-lorn nightingale Nightly to thee her fad Fong mourneth well ; 235 Canft thou not tell me of a gentle pair That likeft thy Nareifft.rs are ? 0 if thou have Hid them in fame flow'ry cave, Tell me but where, Sweet queen of parly, daughter of the fphere, So may'lt thou be tranflated to the fkies, And give refounding grace to all Heav'e's harmonies. Corn. Can any mortal mixture of earth's mold Breathe fuch divine inchanting ravifhment ? Sure fDrnething holy lodges in that breaft, 245 And