C 0 M U sd 617 And with there raptures moves the vocal air To teftify his hidden refidence : How (weedy did they flute upon the wings Of filence, through the empty-vaulted night, 250 At every fall fmoothing the raven down Of darknefs till it frnil'd ! 1 have oft heard My mother Circe with the Sirens three, Amidft the fiow'ry-kirtled Naiades Culling their potent heth,, and baleful drugs, 255 Who as they lung, would take the prifon'd foul, And lap it in Elyfium ; Scylla wept, And chid her barking waves into attention, And fell Charybdis murmur'd loft applaure Vet they in pleating flambe:- lull'd the fenfe, 260 And in fweet madnefs robb'd it of itfelf ; But fuch a facred, and home-felt delight, Such fober certainty of waking blifs 1 never heard till now. 111 (peak to her, And the (hall be my queen. Hail foreign wonder, 265 Whom certain thele rough fhades did never breed, Unlefs the Goddefs that in rural ibrine Dweli'ft here with Pan, or Silvan, by Weft Fong Forbidding every bleak unkindly fog To touch the profp'rous growth of this tall wood. 270 Lady. Nay gentle Shepherd, in is loft that praife That is addrefs'd to unattending ears ; Not any boaft of fkill, but extreme fhift How to regain my fever'd company, Compell'd me to awake the Courteous Echo 275 To give me anfwer from her moffy couch. Coin. What chance, good Lady, hathbereft you thus? Lady. Dim darknefs, and this leafy labyrinth. Coin. Could that divide you from near-uthering guides ? Lady. They left me weary on a graffy turf. 280 Y YYY Com.