8 C 0 M U S. Com. By fallhood, or difeourtely, or why ? Lady. To leek i'th' valley fome cool friendly fpring. Com. And left your fair fide ail unguardd, Lady ? Lady. They were but twain, and purpos'd (pick return. Coin. Perhaps fore-flailing night prevented them. 285 Lady. How ealy my misfortune is to ht l Coin. Imports their lofs, befide the prefent need ? Lady. No lefs than if I fhould my Brothers tole. Corn. Were they of manly prime, or you hful bloom ? Lady. As Imooth as Hebe's their unrazor'd lips. 290 Corn. Two luch I faw, what time the labor'd ox In his loofe traces from the furrow came, And the fwinkt hedger at his fupper fat I law them under a green mantling vine That crawls along the fide of yon fmall hill, 295 Plucking ripe cluflers from the tender (hoots; Their port was more than human, as they flood I took it for a facry vifion Of form gay creatures of the element, That in.the colors of the rainbow live, 309 And play i'th' plighted clouds. 1 was aw-ftruck, And as I pall, I worfhipt ; if thofe you leek, It were a journey like the path to Heaven, To help you find thetn. Lady. Gentle Villager, What readieft way would bring me to that place ? 3o5 Com. Due well it riles from this ibrubby point. Lady. To find out that, good Shepherd, I fuppofe, In 'filch a leant allowance of flar-light, -Would overtaflc the belt land-pilot's art, Without the lure gucfs of well-prakf,tic'd feet. 3 to Corn. I know each lane, and every alley green, Dingle, or baby dell of this wild wood, And every bolky bourn from fide tnfide My