Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

c O M U 8; 6 i0 My daily walks and ancient neighbourhood ; And if your ftray-attendence be yet lodg'd, 315 Or fhroud within thefe limits, I (hall know Ere morrow wake, or the low.rootted lark From her thatcht pallat roufe ; if otherwife I can conduct you, Lady, to a low But loyal cottage, where you may be (ale 320 Till further quell. Lady. Shepherd, I take thy word, And truft thy honett offer'd courtefy, Which oft is foDner found in lowly fheds With fmoky rafters, than in tap'ftry halls And courts of princes, where it fit-ft was nam'd, 325 And yet is molt pretended : In a place Lefs Warranted than .this, or lets fecure, I cannot be, that I fhould fear to change it. Eye me, hleft Providence, and fquare my trial To my proportion'd ftrength. Shepherd, lead on. 330 Enter the two BROTHERS. E id. Bro. Unmuffle ye faint liars, and thou fair moon, that wont'ft to love the traveler's btnizon, Stoop thy pale vifage through an amber cloud, And difilherit Chaos, that reigns here In double night of darknefs and of fhades ; 335 Or if your influence be quite damm'd up With black ufurping mitts, fome gentle taper, Though a rufh-candle from the wicker hole Of fome clay habitation, vifit us With thy long levell'd rule of firearning light, 340 And thou (halt be our ftar of Arcady, Or Tyrian Cynofure. 2. Bro. Or ifour eyes Be bared that happinets, might we but hear The folded flocks penn'd in their watled cotes,