624 C 0 M U S. Sc me far off hallow break the filent 2. Bro. Methought fo too ; what thould it be ? Ea. Bro. For certain Either fome one like us night-foundeed here, Or elfe Come neighbour wood man, or, at word, Some roving robber calling to his fellows, 485 2. Bro. Heav'n keep my Sifter. Again, again, and near ; 11_11 draw, and (land upon our guard. Eld. Bro. 111 hallow ; If he be friendly, he comes well ; if not, Defente is a good caufe, and Heav'n be for us. The attendent SPIRIT, halted like afhepherd. That hallow I fhould know, what are you ? fpeak ; 490 Come not too near, you fall on iron flakes elfe. Spi. What voice is that ? my young Lord ? fpeak again. 2. Bro. 0 brother, 'tis my fuller's thepherd, lure. Eld. Bro. Thyrfis ? whole artful drains have oft ciclay'd The huddling brook to hear his madrigal, 495 And ivvtetcri'd every mutkrofe of the dale; I-low cam'tt thou here, good Swain ? bath any ram Slipt from the fold, or young kid loft, his dam, Or fraggling weather the pent flock forfook ? How could'ft thou find a-1k dark fequeiler'd nook ? 0 my lov'd matter's heir, and his next joy, sot I came not here on fuck a trivial toy As a llrard ewe, or to purfue the flealth Of pilfering wolf ; not all the fleecy wealth That Both enrich thefe downs, is worth a thought To this my errand, and the care it brought. so6 But, 0 my virgin Lady, where is the ? How chance the is not in your company ? Elda