Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

626 C 0 M U I fat me down to watch upon a bank With ivy canopied, and interwove With flaunting honey-fuckle, and began, 34; Wrapt in a pleafing fit of melancholy, To meditate my rural minflrelfy, Till fancy had her fill, but ere a dole The wonted roar was up amid(' the woods, And fill'd the air with barbarous diffonance ; sso At which I ceas'd, and liflen'd them a while, Till an unufual flop of fudden fllence Gave refpite to the droufy flighted (Leeds, That draw the litter of clofe-curtain'd fleep ; At WI a loft and folemn breathing found 555 Role like a Beam of rich ditlill'd perfumes, And flole upon the air, that even Silence Was took ere the was ware, and with'd the might Deny her nature, and be never more Still to be fo difplac'd. I was all ear, 560 And took in ftrains that might create a foul Under the ribs of death : but 0 ere long Too well I did perceive it was the voice Of my moll honor'd Lady, your dear Sifter, Amaz'd I flood, harrow'd with grief and fear, 565 And 0 poor haplefs nightingale thought I, How Tweet thou ting'ft, how near the deadly fnare Then down the lawns I ran with headlong bite, Through paths and turnings often trod by day, Till guided by mine ear I found the place, 57o Where that damn'd wifard hid in fly difguife (For fo by certain figns I knew) had met Already, ere my belt fpeed could prevent, The aidlefs innocent Lady his with'd prey, Who gently ailed if he had teen fuch two, Suppofing him fome neighbour villager. Longer 1 durft not by, but loon I guefs'd 575