Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

C 0 M U S. 627 Ye were the two fhe meant ; with that I fprung Into fwift flight, till I had found you here, But further know I not. 2. Bro. 0 night and fhades, 58o How are ye join'd with Hell in triple knot, Againft th' unarmed weaknefs of one virgin Alone, and helplefs ! Is this the confidence You gave me, Brother ? Eld. Bro. Yes, and keep it fill, Lean on it fafely ; not a period Shall be unfaid for me : againft the threats Of malice or of forcery, or that power Which erring men call Chance, this I hold firm, Virtue may be affail'd, but never hurt, Surpris'd by unjuft force, but not inthrall'd ; 593 Yea even that which mifchief meant moft harm, Shall in the happy trial prove moil glory But evil on itfelf (hall back recoil, And mix no more with goodnefs, when at laft Gather'd like fcum, and fettled to itfelf, 595 It (hall be in eternal reftlefs change Self-fed, and felf-confum'd : if this fail, The pillar'd firmament is rottenefs, And earth's bate built on nubble. But come let's on. Againfl th' oppofing will and arm of Heaven 600 May never this juft fword be lifted up ; But for that damn'd magician, let him be girt With all the grifly legions that troop Under the footy flag of Acheron, Harpies and Hydra's, or all the monftrous forms 6o5 'Twixt Africa and Ind, I'll find him out, And force him to reftore his purchafe back, Or drag him by the curls to a foul death, Curs'd as his life. Spi. Alas 1 good ventrous. Youth,