644 p II love thy courage yet, and bold ernprife ; 6va But here thy fvvord can do thee little flead; ar other arms, and other weapons muft f3e thje that quell the might Of charmt p with his bare Wand can unthread thy joints, And' crumble all thy finews. gig!. prq. Why prithee, 8hepherd, big How Omit thou then thyfelf approach co near, As to make this relation Spa. care and mama fhifts How ;o fecure the Lady from furprifal, 13rought to my mind a certain Ihepherd lad, fmall regard to fee to, yet well fleill"d 620 every virtuOus plant and healing herb, That fpreads her verdant leaf to th' morning ray ; lpy'd me well, and oft"would beg me fing, Which when did, he on the tender grafs Would fit, and hearken CV'll to eXtafy; 625 'af,-i.nd in requital ope his leathern fcrip, And (how me fimplespf a thoufand names, !Telling their flrange and vigorous faculties ; Amongli the reit a frnall unfightly root, But pt divine effea, he cull'd me out ; 63o The leaf was darkifh, and had prickles on it, But iri another country, as he laid, BOre a bright golden flover, but not in this foil : pnknown, and like efteem'd, and the dull fvvain Irre'ads on it daily with his clouted fboon; 635 And yet more med'cinal is it than that Moly That liermes once to wife TJlyfres gave ; c:aird it Hxmony, and gave it me, '4:ncl bade Me keep it as of fovran ufe .Cainft all inchantinents, mildew, Waft, or damp, 64o 0,r-gbafily furies apparition. pues'd it up, but little reck fling made, ,