Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

C 0 M U Si 629 Till now that this extremity compell'd But now I find it true ; for by this means I knew the foul inchanter though difguis'd, 645 Enter'd the very lime-twigs of his fpelis, And yet came off : if you have this about you, (As 1 will give you when we go) you may Boldly affault the necromancer's hall ; Where if he be, with dauntlefs hardihood, 65o And brandifh'd blade rufh on him, break his glafs, And fhed the lufcious liquor on the ground, But feile his wand ; though he and his curs'd crew Fierce fig,n of battel make, and menace high, Or like the Ions of Vulcan vomit fmoke, 655 Yet will they loon retire, if he but (brink. Eld. Bro. Thyrfis, lead on apace, follow thee, And Tome good Angel bear a fhield before us. he SCENE changes to a Itately palace, let out with all manner of delicioufnefs ; loft muck, tables fpread with all dainties. Comus appears with, his rabble, and the LADY let in an inchanted chair, to whom he offers his glafs, which ate puts by, and goes about to rife, Corn. Nay, Lady, fit ; if I but wave this wand, Your nerves are all chain'd up in alabafter, 66o And you a (tattle, or as Daphne was Root-hound, that fled Apollo. Lady. Fool, do not 13oall, Thou canft not touch the freedom of my mind With all thy charms, although this corporal rind Thou haft imtnanacl'd, while Heav'n fees good. 665 Corn. Why are you vext, Lady ? why doyou frown? Here dwell no frowns, nor anger ; from thefe gates Sorrow flies far : See here be all the pleafurea That