Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

430 C 0 M U S, That fancy can beget on youthful thoughts, When the frefh blood grows lively, and returns 67o Brifk as the April buds in primrofe-feafon, And firft behold this cordial julep here, That flames, and dances in his cryftal bounds, With fpi'rits of balm, and fragrant fyrups mix'd. Not that Nepenthes, which the wife of Thane 675 In Egypt gave to Jove-born Helena, Is of such pow'r to ftir up joy as this, To life fo friendly, or fo cool to thirft. Why fhould you be fo cruel to yourfelf, And to thole dainty limbs which Nature lent 68o For gentle ufage, and loft delicacy I But you invert the covenants of her truff, And harthly deal like an ill borrower With that which you receiv'd on other terms, Scorning the unexempt condition 685 By which all mortal frailty mutt fubfift, kefrethment after toil, eafe after pain, That have been tir'd all day without repaft, And timely reit have wanted ; but fair Virgin, This will reftore all loon, Lady. 'Twill not, falfe traitor, 690 'Twill not reftore the truth and honefty That thou haft banifh'd from thy tongue with lies. Was this the cottage, and the fate abode Thou toldft me of ? What grim afpeas are thefo, Thefe ugly-headed monfters? Mercy guard me I 69 Hence with thy brew'd inchantments, foul deceiver ; Haft thou betray'd my credulous innocence With vifor'd fallhood, and bate forgery ? And wouldft thou Peek again to trap me here With liquorifh baits fit to infnare a brute ? 7oo Were it a draft for Juno when the banquets, I would not tafte thy treafonous offer ; none But