Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

632 dOMU To gaze upon the fun with fharnelefs brows: Lift Lady, be not coy, and be not cofen'd With that fame vaunted name Virginity. Beauty is Nature's coin, vault not be horded, But muff be current, and the good thereof 746 Confifts in mutual and partaken blifs, Unfavory in th' enjoyment of itfelf Ifyou let flip time, like a negle6ted role It withers on the ftalk with languifh'd head. Beauty is Nature's brag, and muff be fhown 745 In courts, in feafis, and high folemnities, Where moft may wonder at the workmanfhip ; It is for homely features to keep home, They had their name thence ; coarfe complexions And cheeks of lorry grain will ferve to ply 75o The fampler, and to teafe the hufwife's wool. What need a vermeil-tin6tur'd lip for that, Love-darting eyes; or treffes like the morn There was another meaning in thefe gifts, 754 Think what, and be advis'd, you are but young yet. Lady. I had not thought to have unlock'd my lips In this unhallow'd air, but that this jugler Would think to charm my judgment, as mine eyes, Obtruding falfe rules prankt in Reafon's garb. I hate when vice can bolt her arguments, 760 And Virtue has no tongue to check her pride. Impoftor, do not charge molt innocent Nature, As if the would her children fhould be riotous With her abundance ; the good caterefs Means her provifion only to the good, 765 That live according to her fober laws, And holy dictate of fpare temperance : If every juff man, that now pines with want, Had but a moderate and befeeming (hare Of that which lewdly-pamper'd luxury 770 Novi