U S. Now heaps upon fome few with vats excels; Nature's full bleffings would be well difpens'd In unfuperfluous even proportion, And (he no whit incumber'd with her {lore, And then the giver would be better thank'd, His praife due paid ; for fwinifh gluttony Ne'er looks to Heav'n amida his gorgeous feaa, But with befotted bale ingratitude Crams, and blafphemes his feeder.. Shall I go on ? Or have I laid enough ? To him that dares 7S Arm his profane tongue with contemptuous words Again( the fun-clad pow'r of Chaaity; Fain would I fomething fay, yet to what end ? Thou haft nor ear, nor foul to apprehend The ftiblime notion, and high tnyflery, 7gJ That mutt be utter'd to unfold the fage And ferious dothine of Virginity; And thou art worthy that thou fhotildit not know More happinefs than this thy prefent Enjoy your dear wit; and gay rhetoric, That hath fo well been taught her dazzling fence, 706 Thou art not fit to hear thyfelf convinc'd ; Yet fhould I try, the uncontraed worth Of this pure caufe would kindle my rapt fpirita To fuch a flame of facred vehemence, That dumb things would be inov'd to tyrnpathize, And the brute earth would lend her nerves, and thake$ Till all thy magic ftruatures rear'd fo high, 'Were fhatter'd into heaps o'er thy fake head, Corn. She fables not, I feel that I do fear 8o6 Her words let off by fome fuperior power ; And though not mortal, yet a cold thudd'ring dew Dips me all o'er; as when the wrath of Jove Speaks thunder; and the chains of Erebus To fome of Saturn's crew. 1 mutt diffemble, 101 Aaaaa And