Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

634 C o M U S. And try her yet more ftrongly. Come, no more This is mere moral babble, and direct Againft the canon laws of our foundation ; 1 mutt not Puffer this, yet 'tis but the lees And fettlings of a melancholy blood : Sio But this will cure all firait, one tip of this Will bathe the drooping fpirits in delight Beyond the blifs of dreams. Be wife, and talk.- The BROTHERS rufh in with (words drawn, wreft his glafs out of his hand, and break it againft the ground ; his rout make fign of refinance, but are all driven in ; The attendent SPIRIT comes in. Spi. What, have you let the falfe inchanter (cape ? 0 ye rniflook, ye thould have fnatcht his wand 815 And bound him fart ; without his rod revers'd, And backward mutters of diffevering power, We cannot free the Lady that fits here In Bony fetters fix'd, and motionlefs : Yet flay, be not difturb'd ; now I bethink me, 820 Some other means I have which may be us'd, Which once of Melikeus old I learnt, The footheft fhepherd that e'er pip'd on plains. There is a gentle nymph not far from hence, 824 That with moin curb (ways the ftnooth Severn fiream, Sabrina is her name, a virgin pure ; Whilorne the was the daughter of Locrine, That had the fcepter from his father Brute. She guiltlefs damfel flying the mad purfuit Of her enraged flepdame Guendolen, 830 Commended her fair innocence to the flood, That flay'd her flight with his crofs, flowing courfe. The water nymphs that in the bottom play'd, Held up their pearled wrifts and took her in, Bearing