Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

C 0 M U 8. 635 Bearing her (trait to aged Nereus hall, 835 Who piteous of her woes, rear'd her lank head, And gave her to his daughters to imbathe In nedar'd lavers ftrow'd with afphodil, And through the porch and inlet of each fenfe Dropt in Ambrofial oils till fhe reviv'd 84° And underwent a quick immortal change, Made Goddefs of the river ; flill fhe retains Her maiden gentlenefs, and oft at eve Vifits the herds along the twilight meadows, Helping all urchin blafts, and ill-luck figns 845 That the fhrewd medling elfe delights to make, Which the with pr...:cious vial'd liquors heals. For which the fhepherds at their feftivals Carol her goodnefs loud in ruffle lays, And throw fweet garland wreaths into her fiream 85c> Of pancies, pinks, and gaudy daffadils. And, as the old fwain Paid, the can unlock The clafping charm, and thaw the numming fpell, If fhe be right invok'd in warbled long, For maidenhood the loves, and will be fwift 855 To aid a virgin, fuch as was herfelf, In hard befetting need ; this will I try, And add the pow'r of fome adjuring verfe. S O N G. Sabrina fair, Liften where thou art fitting Under the glaffy, cool, tranflucent wave, In twilled braids of lillies knitting The loofe train of thy amber-dropping hair ; Liften for dear honor's fake, Goddefs of the flyer lake, Liften And lave. 86o 865 Liften